

Wasps are similar in their body structure to the other social wasps but are larger on average. An important differentiating feature to the field wasps and solitary social wasps is the structure of the abdomen which with true wasps has a broad base directly behind the constriction (the “wasp waist”), almost as wide as the maximum width of the abdomen.

These persistent insects occur in swarms in the summer. They are attracted by sweet food in particular. In the autumn, the males die; the young females hibernate in protected areas such as attics, etc.

The sting causes a reddened swelling. Occasionally, the insects can transmit pathogens with the sting. In extreme cases, allergic reactions to the venom can be fatal.

Spray individual insects with Neocid EXPERT Insect Spray. If this does not eliminate the nuisance, the nest has to be found and combated with Neocid EXPERT Forte Wasp Spray.

Place a glass of sugared water at a distance.
Install fly screens on the windows.
Do not leave sugary food lying around.