Fleas (Siphonaptera) form a genus in the class of the insects and belong to the group of the holometabolic insects. Of the around 2400 species of fleas, around 80 types are proven in Central Europe. The animals are parasites and have a length of 1 to 4 millimetres.
Fleas are scroungers. They have strong legs enabling them to cling on to things and jump up to 30 cm in height. In contrast to lice, fleas drop their eggs on the floor. They develop in cracks and crevices where they are protected.
Not only human fleas but also fleas specialised in animals such as dog and cat fleas can bite people.
Treat fleas on people with an insecticide powder. With pets: put a flea collar on pets. Treat hiding places and infested areas with Neocid EXPERT Insect Spray or Neocid EXPERT Spider Control.
Put flea collars on pets.
Seal cracks that are used as breeding grounds.
Thorough cleaning of areas where pets spend time.